Create Tasks From GitHub Issues in WP-CRM System

Allowing users to open issues with your software directly in your GitHub account can be a great asset for improving your software. However, some GitHub issues may require internal discussion and tracking outside of a public repository.

By using our Zapier Connect Add-on to automatically move those issues into WP-CRM, you can help your customers by maintaining a public issue tracker while still safeguarding the level of privacy that your team needs.

How To Connect GitHub Issues to WP-CRM System

This video provides a simple step-by-step guide on how to connect GitHub to WP-CRM System with Zapier and helps you understand what is happening with your data.

You will need these tools to get started.

Set up your Zap in WP-CRM System.

  • Navigate to WP-CRM System > Dashboard > Zapier tab. Then, select Incoming (Action)
  • Give your Zap a descriptive name.
    • This name is for your own reference so that you know what this webhook is for.
  • The Zap needs a Secret, a random string of letters and numbers.
    • You will see that a secret is filled in for you already.
    • However, you can enter your own if you wish.
  • Select “Yes” under “Is the Zap Active” because this allows you to receive data from Zapier.
    • Note: If you select “No”, it will temporarily prevent your site from receiving data from Zapier.
  • Select the Record Type that you want created from this webhook.
    • In the video we select “Task”, although any record type can work.
  • Select the Action.
    • In the video we selected “Create”, as new Tasks will be created from GitHub issues.
  • Click “Save Zaps“.
  • Below the fields you just completed will be a URL. Copy this URL.

Next, create a Zap in Zapier.

Click the “Make a Zap” button at the top of your account dashboard.

Set up the Trigger Step

  • Select “GitHub” as the Trigger Step.
  • Select “New Issue” for the trigger.
  • Connect your GitHub account to Zapier, if you haven’t already. Otherwise select your account.
  • All options are optional. However, if you don’t want all issues from every repository being sent to WP-CRM System, it is useful to at least select a specific repository.

Set up the Action Step

  • Select “Webhooks by Zapier” as the Action Step.
  • Select “POST” as the Create Step for your action.
  • In the webhook template, paste the URL that you previously copied from your WP-CRM System settings.
  • The Payload Type should be “JSON”.
  • The Data will be what is sent to WP-CRM System. At a minimum, you should have a ‘title’ field.
    • For more information on how to set up fields in the data section, please see this help document.
  • For the remaining fields, it is OK to leave them with the default settings.

Test GitHub Issues.

If you already have an issue in the GitHub repository, you can trigger the webhook to send this information before completing the setup. This allows you to see that all of the fields are setup correctly. If they’re not, it will allow you to go back and make adjustments as necessary.

Note: By default, Zapier will use the last issue created in your repository.

Your GitHub Issues will now be able to automatically populate new Tasks in WP-CRM System through the Zapier Connect Add-on. Your team will be able to communicate internally and never miss an issue, all without exposing internal conversations to your public repository.

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