WP-CRM System 2.0 Update
After listening to some feedback from our users, we realized that WP-CRM System was not originally created with developers in mind. We lacked the hooks and features that would enable a developer to modify and customize WP-CRM System to work the way you wanted it to.
In WP-CRM System 2.0, we decided to change all of that and add a number of new hooks and features that make WP-CRM System much more flexible. If you’re a developer who is interested in extending WP-CRM System, you can check out the technical details here.
In addition to working on becoming more developer friendly, we changed a few layout issues that were causing the new dashboard to display incorrectly on smaller screens and a number of other bug fixes.
We also have reworked all of our extensions to fit into the new “developer friendly” format of 2.0. This means that if you update the core plugin to 2.0+ and are still running an earlier version of one of our extensions, you may need to update the extension in order to be fully compatible. All of the basic functionality should still work, but you may be missing some of our settings pages and a few other features.
While this update is a good first step, we are sure there will be other hooks and features that you will find useful. We encourage you to bring up any ways that we can make our plugins better including those new hooks. You can open up a thread on our support forum, or send a message on our contact form.
Also, we recently put WP-CRM System up on GitHub, so please feel free to check it out there and raise any issues you might have.