General Settings
When you first get started with WP-CRM System, you’ll want to take a moment to adjust the basic system settings. There are only a few options you’ll need to adjust to personalize the system for your use. Here is a quick video that shows the options available to you in the general settings. If you want more detailed information, you can read about each section below the video.
To access your settings, visit WP-CRM System > Dashboard > Settings tab.
Access Level #
In the system, you can allow users to access the various reports, and to add, edit or delete records. These users are individuals with accounts on your site. By default, only administrators are allowed to edit records and view reports in WP-CRM System, but you can choose to allow other roles as well. You’ll have to decide what makes the most sense based on the user role(s) on your site. Simply select the lowest level role that should be able to access WP-CRM System reports, and edit records. The drop down menu lets you select Administrator, Editor, Author, Contributor, or Subscriber. However, your users do not necessarily need to be in one of those roles. The system will check to see if users have a specific capability, which corresponds with the default capabilities for each of these user roles in WordPress. The capabilities the system checks for are:
- Administrator: manage_options
- Editor: edit_pages
- Author: publish_posts
- Contributor: edit_posts
- Subscriber: read (Be careful with assigning Subscribers, as this allows virtually anyone with an account on your site access to WP-CRM System).
If you have modified the default capabilities for these roles at all, your users may not be able to access WP-CRM System as intended.
How does this work? When you select Author as the user role that should have access, all user accounts in the Author, Editor, and Administrator roles will be able to access WP-CRM System. This setting is simply choosing the lowest level. When you create or edit a record that allows it to be assigned to a user, a drop-down menu will be populated with the display names of each user in the roles you select here. Some of the available extensions will notify users of updates to a record they are assigned to, so this is a useful way to keep everyone informed. Some reports also will display records assigned to each user. This helps keep everyone on the same page.
What about other roles? WordPress allows you to create custom user roles, and some plugins will create roles for their own purposes. You can create a new user role (or edit an existing one) by using a plugin like User Role Editor.
Default Currency #
The currency selected here will be displayed as a label in the system reports, as well as in notifications provided by some extensions. This setting does not provide an exchange rate calculation, it is purely cosmetic. If you happened to enter a value for a project that was supposed to be in GBP but had USD selected in the settings you can simply change the setting to GBP to change the label.
Currency Format #
Everyone likes to read numbers differently. Some use a period as the thousands separator, others use a comma, while some may even use a blank space. Here you can specify the format the values will be displayed in on your reports and in notifications. Please note that the number of decimals is purely cosmetic and will only show zeros, as values are entered in whole dollars.
Date Format #
We removed this option from the plugin’s settings in favor of using the date format set in the WordPress site’s settings. To adjust this, visit Settings > General and either choose a predefined date format or enter a custom date format. If you see this option available in the settings, please update to the latest version of WP-CRM System.
Show Org. Address #
In some cases, you may have many organizations with the same name. For example, if you have every McDonald’s restaurant in your state listed as an organization, you would likely list them all as “McDonald’s”. This can get quite confusing, so we have an option to display the organization’s address next to their name in the plugin’s select menus. This can help ensure you are selecting the correct organization.
Hide Other User Content #
If you want to make sure users of your CRM are only able to view content that they are the author of, check the Hide Other User Content box. To make full use of this setting, keep the following in mind:
- Any user who is an administrator on your site will be able to view any records in your CRM. You may need to adjust the Access Level (see above) to a lower user role, and set your CRM user’s account to that lower role.
- Non-admin users of your CRM will only be able to view records that they are assigned as the author of. To change who the author is of a particular record, you can either:
- Click the Quick Edit link on the list of all records, and change the author using the drop-down menu there.
- While editing a record find the Author box, and change the author from the drop-down menu. If you don’t see the Author box, go to Screen Settings at the top right and make sure there is a check in the box next to Author.
Google Maps API Key #
Please see the following support document on how to generate a Google Maps API key.