Import Organizations
You can import organizations into WP-CRM System using the Import Organizations.
In order to import organizations successfully, you need to first have a CSV file with your information set up in the correct format. The easiest way to do this is to use a spreadsheet program like Microsoft Excel, and simply save your data as a CSV.
Your CSV file should have the first row as a header. This row will not get imported, and actually anything in the first row is ignored by the importer. You should use this row to help you organize the data in some logical format. If you have contacts or opportunities to import, it is generally better to import your organizations first so they can be populated along with the contacts.
How to Format Your Organization Import #
Columns should be in the following order:
- Organization name
- Phone number
- Email address
- Website
- Street 1
- Street 2
- City
- State
- Zip/Postal Code
- Country
- Additional information
- Category(ies)
Note: The category column can contain existing categories or it will create new categories if they don’t already exist. To include multiple categories separate each by a comma. This feature was added after the video above was made so it doesn’t show how to import categories but it simply requires an extra field at the end of your CSV.
How to Create an Import File #
If you need help creating the import file, please visit this help document.