Import Campaigns
You can import your marketing campaigns into WP-CRM System using the Import Campaigns option.
In order to import campaigns successfully, you need to first have a CSV file with your information set up in the correct format. The easiest way to do this is to use a spreadsheet program like Microsoft Excel, and simply save your data as a CSV.
Your CSV file should have the first row as a header. This row will not get imported, and actually anything in the first row is ignored by the importer. You should use this row to help you organize the data in some logical format.
How to Format Your Campaign Import #
Columns should be in the following order:
- Campaign name
- Campaign assigned to
- Campaign active
- Status
- Campaign start date
- Campaign end date
- Projected reach
- Campaign budgeted cost
- Campaign actual cost
- Campaign description
- Categories
Some columns expect to receive certain information, and won’t successfully import anything other than this information. Please read below what information you will need to use.
The assigned to must match a username on your site. The valid usernames can be found by visiting Users > All Users on your site, and look in the Username column. This should be the same username as what the user logs in with.
The campaign active field expects the word “yes” (without quotes) if the campaign is active, and nothing else if it is not.
The status should be one of the four statuses below. Anything other than one of these will automatically be assigned ‘not-started’. Make sure the values are all lowercase with a hyphen in between words as noted below.
- not-started
- in-progress
- complete
- on-hold
The start date and end date should be a date in almost any format. Be sure to include the full date, excluding commas. (i.e. October 3 2015). If you include a comma, it may indicate the end of the current field and cause your data to import incorrectly. A date in the YYYY/MM/DD or MM/DD/YYYY format would work as well.
The projected reach, budgeted cost and actual cost only need to contain numbers. No commas, decimal points, or currency symbols are needed although if they are included they will be stripped out before being added to your campaign. If you have a number such as $123,456.78, the number 12345678 will be imported to the campaign. In other words, you will import a value of $12,345,678 instead of $123,456.78 if you include the decimals. Only whole numbers are needed.
The campaign description can have some basic HTML markup included. Tags such as <strong>, <em>, <del>, <blockquote>, <hr />, <p>, <br />, <img>, <ul>, <ol>, <li>
and others can be used. If the HTML markup can be generated from the WordPress visual editor, it should be safe to include.
The category column can contain existing categories or it will create new categories if they don’t already exist. To include multiple categories separate each by a comma.
How to Create an Import File #
If you need help creating the import file, please visit this help document.