Configuring Zendesk Extension

The Zendesk Connect extension is a great way to keep up to date with support requests from your customers. Zendesk Connect will provide you with a list of recent support tickets opened by a customer to help you see what issues they may have had in the past, and to check the status of those tickets. You can even create new Tasks, Opportunities, or Projects in WP-CRM System with the click of a button.

After installing Zendesk Connect, you will need to generate an API token from your Zendesk account.

Generate Zendesk API Token #

  • Log in to your Zendesk account and click Admin (the gear icon) in the lower left corner.
  • Next click API under Channels.
  • Check the box to enable “Token Access”.
  • Click “Add new token”.
  • Enter a label for the API Token (this is only seen by you).

The API token is a long string of random numbers and letters. Copy this token for use in WP-CRM System settings.

Enter Zendesk Settings #

While logged into your site with WP-CRM System and Zendesk Connect plugins installed and activated, hover your mouse over WP-CRM System and click Dashboard.

At the top of the settings page click the Zendesk tab. If you don’t see this tab it is because the Zendesk Connect plugin is not installed or activated.

On the Zendesk Connect settings page:

  • Paste the API token that you copied from the Zendesk settings page into the first box.
  • In the second box enter the email address you use to log in to your Zendesk account.
  • Finally, enter your Zendesk subdomain.
    • This is the part before when you access your Zendesk account.
    • If you access Zendesk at, you would simply enter acme here.
  • Click Save Changes.